Consumer 2.0

Somehow, the wooden stick I was using to keep my living room sliding glass door closed got deeply wedged down into the doorjam while I was away in London. So this morning I tore the stick apart with tools, splintering it completely and getting it out of the way, so I could go out onto the patio with my dog, Star, to drink coffee. (In Austin, it’s finally cool in the mornings.)

Later, I went out to buy a new tension rod for the sliding glass door. I wanted to get one that was identical to the Masterlock rod on the sliding glass door in my bedroom.

I searched three stores: Target, Home Depot and Lowe’s. None of them had it, but all of them recommended the other stores on the list. Halfway through this wild goosechase, I asked myself for the hundredth time why I once again forgot step one, Google.

Back home, a little web searching revealed that these tension rods are called Dual Function Door Security Bars. I ordered one through Amazon, without leaving my couch or dealing with any sassy store personnel, and it’ll get here on Tuesday. Amazing.

Dual Function Door Security Bar

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